Where can we find PDLC smart glass?
You can find PDLC glass in commercial and residential smart windows, consumer electronics and display cases for retail and museums, as well as in healthcare, hospitality and transportation.
The maximum size of smart glass: 2000mm*6000mm (6.5ft*19.5ft).
You can find PDLC glass in commercial and residential smart windows, consumer electronics and display cases for retail and museums, as well as in healthcare, hospitality and transportation.
Smart glass/film is operated using 48-65VAC power supply. Transformer will be needed for 110-230V power source.
The maximum size of smart glass: 2000mm*6000mm (6.5ft*19.5ft).
The maximum size of smart glass: 2000mm*6000mm (6.5ft*19.5ft).
No, the correct term is translucent, since light still gets through, albeit scattered in many directions. The glass would be opaque only if the light was blocked or absorbed.
Smart glass/film is operated using 48-65VAC power supply. Transformer will be needed for 110-230V power source.
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